Founded in 2002, Forty Weeks with Kirsty Hawthorn (Registered Midwife) provides midwifery specific complementary therapies and classes from preconception to motherhood, including aromatherapy, massage, yoga, acupuncture and reflexology.
Choosing who you go to for treatment when you are pregnant is very important. Forty Weeks specialises in clinical care, therapies, classes and training for this special time in your life. All treatments are conducted by midwives in clinical practice with practical, working knowledge of traditional medical care. Our yoga classes, massage, reflexology, aromatherapy, acupuncture, clinical hypnosis and birth debriefing are run with your specific pregnancy, birth and postnatal period in mind.
No two women are the same, no two pregnancies are the same and no two babies are the same. This uniqueness guides our work as midwives on a daily basis and we work with you to provide the holistic care and support you need. When coming to Forty Weeks for treatment or choosing full clinical midwifery care (antenatal/birth and postnatal) we will be treating you from a holistic perspective but entwining clinical expertise into everything we do.
This is the same for our teacher training with the International Association of Infant Massage. Years of clinical expertise and training work within a holistic framework to enable a positive and fulfilling course that brings nurturing touch into the work you bring to the families you work with. We work in conjunction with many organisations ranging from safeguarding perspectives to complementary support within the community.
All of our work is based on evidence-based research.